Climate Resilience for Wastewater Treatment (24S-ETC021) (3 TCHs)

  • August 6, 2024 8:30 am EDT
  • 3 hours
8:30 – 11:30 AM Eastern Time This course is sponsored by NEIWPCC in conjunction with the EPA. Instructor: Anastasia Rudenko & Sara Greenberg, GHD This training will address the increasing challenges posed by climate change on wastewater management systems. As extreme weather events become more frequent and severe, it is crucial that facilities adapt to ensure sustainability and resilience. This course will cover the impacts of climate change on wastewater operations, and guide participants through the latest strategies and technologies designed to enhance system resilience against these evolving threats. Instructors Anastasia Rudenko and Sara Greenberg will use projects they have worked on as case studies to help give an overview of changes they’ve helped facilities make to their processes or collection systems. Wastewater Training Contact Hours (TCHs) are approved in CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT. Participants MUST attend and be attentive during the entire session to receive full credit. Participants must attend and be attentive during a minimum of 50% of the course to receive any partial credit. Registration closes seven days before class starts. $15 fee for late registrations. Cancellations must be received at no less than seven prior to course start date.