This is an introductory course to the microbiology of the activated sludge process and addresses the following topics: floc formation; nutrient requirements; bioaugmentation; nitrification; heavy metals.
The course will review roles of the process including degradation of cBOD, degradation of nBOD (nitrification), nutrient removal for nitrogen and phosphorus, dissolved oxygen requirements, and the removal of fine solids including heavy metals. The course will also cover the roles performed by cBOD-removing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, protozoa and metazoa (rotifers and free-living nematodes).
This course is sponsored by NEIWPCC in conjunction with the EPA.
Course Details
Wastewater Training Contact Hours (TCHs) are approved in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT.
Participants MUST attend and be attentive during the entire session to receive full credit. Participants must attend and be attentive during a minimum of 50% of the course to receive any partial credit.
Registration closes seven days before class starts. $15 fee for late registrations.
Cancellations must be received at no less than seven days prior to course start date.